What can keep your employees healthier, happier, on-the-job, and possibly help with your Workers Compensation premium?
The Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accident’s / Office of Safety promotes workplace safety and supports employers with Workers Compensation insurances, providing assistance for the prevention of occupational injury, illness and death in the workplace.
One of their main efforts is to promote on the job training to employees, in all relevant topic and behavioral/performance areas through a safety training grant program. The program is designed to provide and improve safety education and training to employers/employees within the Commonwealth, covered by the Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Law. A summary of the program can be seen here.
The Workplace Safety Training & Education Grant Program Application program promotes safe and healthy conditions in the workplace by awarding state funds to eligible applicants, annually. The training grants allow employers to select the training areas, and the training providers that best fit their needs, be they based in governmental requirements such as OSHA or EPA, or in those areas that most affect their employees that may not be specifically required by regulation.
FY16 Grant Application and Contractual Documents with instructions are provided on line and grant up to $25,000 in support, for employers who are in Good Standing with the MA Department of Revenue
The speakers will be Kathleen Manson, Director of the Commonwealth’s Department of Industrial Accidents. She will explain the overall grant program’s history, processes, and features, as well as how it can be of value to you and your employees.
The other speaker will be William Trabilcy, Principle at Engagement By Design/EHS Works, a consulting practice in support of workplace safety and compliance. He will discuss aspects of training design and effectiveness, and address typical occupational safety risk areas where training/learning/performance can make a difference. He has extensive experience in workplace health, safety and environmental management, OSHA compliance, risk management, and is a speaker at national conferences on training effectiveness and learner engagement.
for more information, contact: EHSWorks@verizon.net