Sheila Thimba is the Harvard Dean of Administration and Finance. Sheila oversees the budget, financial management of and strategic planning processes for Harvard College. She is the chief human resources officer for the College, and directs College resources around physical space improvements and technology services. She also supports the House Renewal initiative and planning for the campus expansion to Allston. Before coming to Harvard, Sheila served in similar roles at Rutgers’ School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, and at the Gallatin School for Individualized Study at New York University. She attended the College of St. Elizabeth in New Jersey as an international student from Kenya and earned a Masters’ in Political Economy from the New School of Social Research in New York City. She is an alumni of the Program for Leadership Development at the Harvard Business School. Sheila is also a Ghanaian by marriage, a proud New-Jerseyan, a new but civic-minded resident of North Cambridge and a soccer mom.