Have you ever had any questions regarding health care benefits for your employees? Unsure of how recent changes in healthcare legislation, including Obamacare, will impact your business? CLF can help! This seminar, sponsored by Cambridge Trust Company, will discuss how businesses can manage health care benefits for their employees.
WHEN: March 18th from 9-11AM
WHERE: Cambridge Trust Company at 1336 Mass Ave in Harvard Square
Our Speaker, Bob McGowan from The CIP Group, is an industry expert in healthcare benefits and reform. The CIP Group is dedicated to providing a complete range of fully integrated employee benefits, executive
benefits, administration services, payroll and HR solutions to clients.
Will there be time for questions?
Absolutely! We pride ourselves on small, interactive seminars with plenty of oppurtunity for individualized attention and discussion.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Cambridge Trust Company is conviently located just steps from the Harvard Square T-Stop. There is limited street parking and an affordable public parking garage nearby at 65 JFK Street.
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Simply send an e-mail to info@cambridgelocalfirst.org.
Can I update my registration information?
Yes, any changes can be addressed via email at info@cambridgelocalfirstorg.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
Nope! We will have a list at the event for checkins.